Ashlyn Wallace
4 years ago

Ashlyn Wallace

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Have faith!

There sure is a lot of resistance and talk all for a baseless conspiracy LARP (live action role playing for those who do not know) 😂 Personally, if the mainstram media is against it, I automatically am FOR it -whatever it is that day. lol

Congress trying to impeach Trump I AFTER they already won- ALL FOR A LARP
>Elite pedophile rings being busted and owners arrested DAILY- ALL FOR A LARP
>Elite DC pedophile ring owner just busted, ANTI TRUMP GOP SENIOR STAFFER- ALL FOR A LARP
>Hillary herself now talking openly about QAnon- ALL FOR A LARP
>Myanmar Military just overthrew their governemnt, claiming election fraud, held their illegitmately elected leaders in detention inside government buildings, and are holding new elections that they will safeguard...just like Q said would happen here- ALL FOR A LARP

>7 Gorillion Q proofs - ALL FOR A LARP
>MSM wrote 5000 hit pieces on Q, 2nd most targeted after Trump himself - ALL FOR A LARP
>Q correctly predicted Jeffrey Epstein, Harvey Weinstein, Ghislane Maxwell- ALL FOR A LARP
>Social Media companies mass ban Q accounts many times- ALL FOR A LARP
>Celebrities demand that we all be put in re-education camps and are in absolute hysteria- ALL FOR A LARP
>Congress calls us Domestic Terrorists and even held a congressional session to gaslight and attempt to prosecute 8chan owners- ALL FOR A LARP
>Congress currently trying to take out MTG/Q supporter-

Lin Wood telegram 🧐🧐

🤠hi everyone!