Warren Davis
3 years ago

Warren Davis

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We'll know for the first time if were evil or divine were the last in line RJD

We'll know for the first time if were evil or divine were the last in line RJD

recovering from a non covid illness and alot further behind the curve than i like to be . like the song says , life goes on long after the thrill of living is gone . Ill be back soon , theres alot of liberals who need their marxist agendas exposed and trashed .really enjoying how uncomfortable MSM is with Maricopa audit . The snowball is growing

We'll know for the first time if were evil or divine were the last in line RJD

the biden adminstration cant be serious about making our military "green"?
Hey joe when John Kerrys gas guzzling private jet starts running on tofu let us know otherwise keep your GD hands off of our MILITARY . Ask the CCP if their force is "green"? they must think we are complete idiots

We'll know for the first time if were evil or divine were the last in line RJD

No southern border security but miles of it going up daily at the capitol with razor wire. Congresswoman Lauren Boebert video about the DC fence destroys Pelosi . why isnt whats left of the GOP kicking pelosis ass daily for the intel that warrants all that fencing that "we the people" are paying for? NO Border security NO DC SECURITY FU PELOSI

We'll know for the first time if were evil or divine were the last in line RJD

Lots of information , lots of outlets .lots of people trying profit off of those who are hungry for the truth and seeking information .I understand that that there is a cost to life .consider the source that makes profit more of a priorty than the substance their message .it degrades those who have the real message and ask for nothing ...


We'll know for the first time if were evil or divine were the last in line RJD

like my post about wikipedia ,the dem politicians bullying cable outlets to remove conservative shows for so called "disinformation "regarding the 2020 election . i sure hope theyll go after all the outlets who pushed 4+ years of "russian collusion" that was a confirmed HOAX .Adam Schiff knew it was phoney yet he lied almost on a daily basis .Time the propaganda outlets are held accountable . I personally quit watching MSM right after the 2016 election and havent since .I cant fathom paying to watch Cnn and wanted it legislated out of public places .play the weather channel oo

We'll know for the first time if were evil or divine were the last in line RJD

like my post about wikipedia ,the dem politicians bullying cable outlets to remove conservative shows for so called "disinformation "regarding the 2020 election . i sure hope theyll go after all the outlets who pushed 4+ years of "russian collusion" that was a confirmed HOAX .Adam Schiff knew it was phoney yet he lied almost on a daily basis .Time the propaganda outlets are held accountable . I personally quit watching MSM right after the 2016 election and havent since .I cant fathom paying to watch Cnn and wanted it legislated out of public places .play the weather channel oo

We'll know for the first time if were evil or divine were the last in line RJD

I want to write to wikipedia for their feeling the need to add "context" to Qanon videos and posts as "debunked" yet when you search "russian collusion " on wikipedia theyve left as its a real informational page with no diclaimers or "context" dispite it being known as completly false and a made up hoax by the DNC . Dear Wikipedia ,theres more truth in Q than all your dissinformation of the 4 year Hoax to discredit president Trump. Please update your Russian Collusion page ,please post a disclaimer that it is nothing but false disinformation paid for by hillary clinton

We'll know for the first time if were evil or divine were the last in line RJD

Its says alot when the Soviet bloc condemns the BIDEN United States of America of political percescution of trump suppoerter ..

Red Pilled For 30+ years.🐸 Exposing Govt Corruption, Fraud & The NWO. Truth Seeker✨USAF Veteran✈️ #GodWins🕊️ #SaveAmerica 🇺🇸 🦅#Agenda47

Ep. 2406b - [JB]/[DS] Wants Durham Gone, Fear, Panic, Sets In
by X22 Report

We'll know for the first time if were evil or divine were the last in line RJD

my twitter handle is James wood armored goat