Arlene Radasky
2 years ago

Arlene Radasky

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Grandmother, married 50+ yrs, who wishes I were younger so I could be on the front lines. I will be the promised support for those who are.

Grandmother, married 50+ yrs, who wishes I were younger so I could be on the front lines. I will be the promised support for those who are.

A casue taken up by a vet.

Grandmother, married 50+ yrs, who wishes I were younger so I could be on the front lines. I will be the promised support for those who are.

Grandmother, married 50+ yrs, who wishes I were younger so I could be on the front lines. I will be the promised support for those who are.

Grandmother, married 50+ yrs, who wishes I were younger so I could be on the front lines. I will be the promised support for those who are.

A EUROPEAN viewpoint


For two months now, the American public and the American press, have asked the American president to hold a news conference. Many had serious questions about...

Grandmother, married 50+ yrs, who wishes I were younger so I could be on the front lines. I will be the promised support for those who are.

Grandmother, married 50+ yrs, who wishes I were younger so I could be on the front lines. I will be the promised support for those who are.

Grandmother, married 50+ yrs, who wishes I were younger so I could be on the front lines. I will be the promised support for those who are.

Grandmother, married 50+ yrs, who wishes I were younger so I could be on the front lines. I will be the promised support for those who are.

And now we learn, only doing some diplomatic work on why countries send their people to the US. She is not handling the border....the border has many who are COVID positive Flowing into the states after 8 hours.

Grandmother, married 50+ yrs, who wishes I were younger so I could be on the front lines. I will be the promised support for those who are.

Grandmother, married 50+ yrs, who wishes I were younger so I could be on the front lines. I will be the promised support for those who are.

Prepare for press conference. 1. Position favorite reporters. 2. Ask for lists of questions they will ask. 3. Make list of those to call on. 4. Have notes ready to answer submitted questions 5. Go for infrastructure if you loose your place 6. Blame Trump 7. Lie, Lie Lie.....

Grandmother, married 50+ yrs, who wishes I were younger so I could be on the front lines. I will be the promised support for those who are.

I am looking for lace to make my required face covering with now.

Grandmother, married 50+ yrs, who wishes I were younger so I could be on the front lines. I will be the promised support for those who are.

We still do not know how he died and there was an impeachment that hinged on his death. Are THEY afraid?

HIDDEN: Capitol PD Officer Brian Sicknick's Autopsy KEPT SECRET--JUDICIAL WATCH SUES - YouTube

READ: Watch filed a District of Columbia Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit in th...

Grandmother, married 50+ yrs, who wishes I were younger so I could be on the front lines. I will be the promised support for those who are.

Why is no one talking about the race of all the victims of the Islamic Arab mass murderer in Boulder?

Grandmother, married 50+ yrs, who wishes I were younger so I could be on the front lines. I will be the promised support for those who are.

Neighbors With 'Black Lives Matter', 'Asian Lives Matter', And 'Hispanic Lives Matter' Yard Signs Getting Awfully Close To 'All Lives Matter'

Grandmother, married 50+ yrs, who wishes I were younger so I could be on the front lines. I will be the promised support for those who are.

63 days in today....any bets on him making it another 37 days?

Grandmother, married 50+ yrs, who wishes I were younger so I could be on the front lines. I will be the promised support for those who are.

Air Force One Now Equipped With Handicap Parking Pass

Grandmother, married 50+ yrs, who wishes I were younger so I could be on the front lines. I will be the promised support for those who are.

Grandmother, married 50+ yrs, who wishes I were younger so I could be on the front lines. I will be the promised support for those who are.

Grandmother, married 50+ yrs, who wishes I were younger so I could be on the front lines. I will be the promised support for those who are.

Bill Maher On The Push For Equity Instead Of Equality: ‘That’s A Stupid World I Don’t Want To Live In’

Grandmother, married 50+ yrs, who wishes I were younger so I could be on the front lines. I will be the promised support for those who are.

LAPublicSchools Teacher union fought not to have to go back to school. The ”Pass” you see in the video is being tested now in the LA public schools. This is all part of the slow indoctrination that is happening to our country now. Remember the Hitler Youth who turned parents in for not saluting Hitler? We are there.

A cartoon for children - California's COVID-19 Testing Program (Daily Pass) - YouTube

Home schooling is the only way out.Los Angeles Unified has launched a one-stop shop web app built specifically for the District to ensure that we get student...

Grandmother, married 50+ yrs, who wishes I were younger so I could be on the front lines. I will be the promised support for those who are.

This photo is from this week’s Epoch Times printed edition. (Hubby still like to hold his newspaper.) It is a flag stuck in Nancy’s fence. I wonder if all those who did not want the fence or just wanted to show a bit of patriotic thought, went and put a flag in that fence what it would look like like. Maybe it would be beautiful! Maybe it would be sad, like when we leave the flowers and other keepsakes where a death or sad event has happened. Maybe it would inspire a vendor to stand there with a cart filled with flag balloons, big and small flags, red, white and blue flowers and other things that we can leave on and in front of the fence. I think that would be a wonderful show of peaceful, strength. I would leave a flag in that fence if I did not live across the country from there. Maybe I will find a fence here to start leaving flags on, like the padlocks on the Paris bridge.

Grandmother, married 50+ yrs, who wishes I were younger so I could be on the front lines. I will be the promised support for those who are.

I have to wear a mask to get groceries. I have been vaccinated. So....I cut the lining out of my mask so basically, I am wearing a piece of gauze and rip it off as soon as I get out of the store. And now I can breathe again.

Grandmother, married 50+ yrs, who wishes I were younger so I could be on the front lines. I will be the promised support for those who are.

I have to wear a mask to get groceries. I have been vaccinated. So....I cut the lining out of my mask so basically, I am wearing a piece of gauze and rip it off as soon as I get out of the store. And now I can breathe again.

Grandmother, married 50+ yrs, who wishes I were younger so I could be on the front lines. I will be the promised support for those who are.

I have to wear a mask to get groceries. I have been vaccinated. So....I cut the lining out of my mask so basically, I am wearing a piece of gauze and rip it off as soon as I get out of the store. And now I can breathe again.

Grandmother, married 50+ yrs, who wishes I were younger so I could be on the front lines. I will be the promised support for those who are.

Imagine this in SOCAL!!! And no One died!!! I applaud them.

Grandmother, married 50+ yrs, who wishes I were younger so I could be on the front lines. I will be the promised support for those who are.


Grandmother, married 50+ yrs, who wishes I were younger so I could be on the front lines. I will be the promised support for those who are.

this is how I feel today

Grandmother, married 50+ yrs, who wishes I were younger so I could be on the front lines. I will be the promised support for those who are.

Biden’s Border Crisis Explodes, Number Of Unaccompanied Children In Custody 300% Higher Than Previously Known

Grandmother, married 50+ yrs, who wishes I were younger so I could be on the front lines. I will be the promised support for those who are.

Candice Owens is on point as usual. ‘I Am 100% Suing Cardi’: Candace Owens Blasts Cardi B After Rapper Posts Doctored Tweet, False Claims

Grandmother, married 50+ yrs, who wishes I were younger so I could be on the front lines. I will be the promised support for those who are.