AraQorn Night
3 years ago

AraQorn Night

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Fight the good fight any way you can. And never, NEVER give up. This will never end. Community is the only way.

Fight the good fight any way you can. And never, NEVER give up. This will never end. Community is the only way.

my cousin works for delta. She says she sees bus loads of immigrants being dropped off and goven one way tickets to large cities across the country. That is not fake. That is real.

Fight the good fight any way you can. And never, NEVER give up. This will never end. Community is the only way.

This is not a joke. Does anyone in Michigan see the still bright light hovering in the sky? My family and I counted around 30 helos in region near said light. Does anybody have any idea or witnessed what I am speaking of?

Fight the good fight any way you can. And never, NEVER give up. This will never end. Community is the only way.
please take the moment to watch all of this. Patriots are hard at work.

Fight the good fight any way you can. And never, NEVER give up. This will never end. Community is the only way.

It is your job as a Patriot to try and open the eyes of the people around you. No task is too big or small. ask them questions. Dont tell them what to think, encourage free thinking. The more red pills we have consumed, the more we have in our own Army. Never forget this is a war. Once the truth comes out the war is not over yet. We will have deniers. We will have people still asleep. Never stop reaching out to your community. WWG1WGA

Fight the good fight any way you can. And never, NEVER give up. This will never end. Community is the only way.

Be responsbile for what you do with your mind, body, and soul. Do you want to spend your time scrolling through meaningless stuff on your phone or do you want to use chickens to prepare an abundant garden? Its easy. Its affordable. IT IS NOT WHAT THEY TELL YOU IT IS. Well! You can start here! If anybody has any questions about getting started, no matter how big or small, message me! Nothing would make me happier than to help you people. Also, im a Northern Climate!

Fight the good fight any way you can. And never, NEVER give up. This will never end. Community is the only way.

Fight the good fight any way you can. And never, NEVER give up. This will never end. Community is the only way.

The war is not over. It may never be over. This isnt about just hoping that what we all believe will come true. In war, you have winners and losers. While i believe we are winning, we are up against the worlds money, big pharma, entertainment, everything. You want to know how you can help fight the fight? Stop putting money in pockets of the enemy. Stop buying "made in china" buy American. Delete your facebook. Your Twitter. Grow your own food. Raise your own children. TAKE BACK WHAT THEY TOOK FROM US. We are all brainwashed to an extent and we ALL have to fight the good fight.PROTECT YOUR OWN