Andrew Jackson Adams III
3 years ago

Andrew Jackson Adams III

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The Triptych (three-in-One) architecture found on the Salt Lake Temple conveys Masonic mystical ancient knowlege. It can be found on the buildings of Freemasons, The Skull & Bones and the Shriners. All are secret societies with secret handshakes.
The Mormon Temple clothes are nearly identical.
Mormons and the Masons intimate relationships
Medical Fraud Charges and Allegations!
When in doubt follow the money! Massive accumulations of religious wealth? What better way to launder Chinese money?
Please watch the official White House release. Pay attention to time stamps. Over the next few days I will be posting my research behind this little known meeting held in Salt Lake City. Notice sitting next to Pres DJT is the man known as "Opium Orrin" the longest sitting US Senator. The largest benefactor from big pharma. He steps down opening the path for Mitt Romney to take his seat. I'm going to release connections to the Mormon church and the power they have weilded in American politics. Please share and comment.

I want to suggest that everyone watch "Romney Exposed" on John Hankey's YouTube chanel. The original was posted on Oct 15, 2012. This clearly explains why Romney is always taking the position that he does. I tried to share the link but YouTube is not allowing it.

I'm new to this platform, never joined twitter, never saw a need, until the media stopped letting DJT reach us via YouTube. Likeminded freedom of speech loving people, I have arrived!