Alpha OmegaEnergy
2 years ago

Alpha OmegaEnergy

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AlphaOmegaEnergy is the world’s #1 Breakthrough CleanEnergy Tech Startup w’ more than 4,472 all new technologies. #1 FuelCell 2800km E-Plane

AlphaOmegaEnergy is the world’s #1 Breakthrough CleanEnergy Tech Startup w’ more than 4,472 all new technologies. #1 FuelCell 2800km E-Plane

:nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke:
#ElonMusk accepts the Salvation of#Jesus on#christian Ministry#BabylonBee & says "There is Great wisdom in the teachings of Jesus. If Jesus is saving people, then sure, I'll be saved, why not?
"WOW!! O.O

AlphaOmegaEnergy is the world’s #1 Breakthrough CleanEnergy Tech Startup w’ more than 4,472 all new technologies. #1 FuelCell 2800km E-Plane

What is Championship Worth? Now that's a Question.
Victory for Humanity.
What's it's Worth?

#AlphaOmegaEnergy. Always in the FIGHT.

AlphaOmegaEnergy is the world’s #1 Breakthrough CleanEnergy Tech Startup w’ more than 4,472 all new technologies. #1 FuelCell 2800km E-Plane


International Criminal#joebiden of#Burisma#Corruption Cartel has just denounced the "EastMed Oil pipeline" from#Isreal across the Mediterranean into#Italy resulting in#GoldmanSachs stating Oil heading rapidly to more than $100 a Barrel again as Biden BEGS#Opec to produce Oil & fund terrorism as gave 85 Billion in Arms to Afghanistan-Iran, as Intelligence agents say they took bribes from Iran of more than 2 Billion & Iran brags about it on Twitter saying "We bribed that bitch" & as Biden plans to sell#DOMINION Energy gas under#billbarr &#clinton-Buffett-#Obama into#Ukraine as the future of European Energy.

Brennan-#Bush-Patreus-#Carlysle#DeepState Pissed as their#GenieOilField will now have to be shipped on boats from the land they stole from Syria.

AlphaOmegaEnergy is the world’s #1 Breakthrough CleanEnergy Tech Startup w’ more than 4,472 all new technologies. #1 FuelCell 2800km E-Plane

Just a few days ago#AlphaOmegaEnergy Created our 4,474th Breakthrough CleanEnergy Technology, inspired by something left behind by two brothers, & such crucial lessons they still teach in love for all good men. New energy efficiency technology worth way more than 5% motor gain.

AlphaOmegaEnergy is the world’s #1 Breakthrough CleanEnergy Tech Startup w’ more than 4,472 all new technologies. #1 FuelCell 2800km E-Plane

#AlphaOmegaEnergy Created our 4,473rd Breakthrough CleanEnergy Technology, an all new Energy Efficiency Technology worth at least 50 million in licensing sales on its own without manufacturing relative to others in the market & effects.
Inspired by the Truth, of One Innovator.

AlphaOmegaEnergy is the world’s #1 Breakthrough CleanEnergy Tech Startup w’ more than 4,472 all new technologies. #1 FuelCell 2800km E-Plane

💥 💥 💥 💥
#DARPA#WhistleBlower Exposes Arch Criminal#fauci in their words "Fauci engineered the virus in the#Wuhan lab to be released then reverse engineer it to make & sell vaccines" They rejected his requests to approve this saying it's too dangerous but he did it anyway.

FAUCI has murdered the world.
He GUARANTEED an outbreak in 2017 right after the Inauguration.
He BUILT#COVID19 and asked to release it onto the public.

CRIMINAL Accomplices are Facebook, Twitter, Google for Criminally covering it up and for Criminally hiding & denying access to LIFE SAVING Treatments. Fauci's daughter works at Twitter & Facebook & Fauci's LAB TECHNICIAN EXPERT AT WUHAN is the Science Director at Facebook who is BANNING ALL THE DOCTORS.

The DARPA whistleblowers are ON VIDEO SAYING IT.

AlphaOmegaEnergy is the world’s #1 Breakthrough CleanEnergy Tech Startup w’ more than 4,472 all new technologies. #1 FuelCell 2800km E-Plane

#JillSanborn is Hiding#Jan6th Evidence. Lied to congress “doesn’t know if any#FBI agents involved.”
- Trans man-woman, lying about his own body
- CIA Chief of Afghanistan counter-terrorism in 2011
- Oversaw Osama Bin Ladin killing?
- Was CIA chief of Afghanistan during Seal Team 6 killing
- Appointed by Trans Obama admin
- Eeerily similar to Adam Kinzinger the Never Trumper, Lincoln project member, which is all gay men pedophiles, exposed. Brother? Relative? Or just same exact 100% energy?
- Kinzinger only married in May 2021
- “She” went to school in Antifa’s Portland University
- “She” also ran the Minnesota FBI
- “She” oversaw the investigation of the 2015 San Bernardino terror attack that left 14 dead and 22 injured which many called a false flag.
- leading more than 400 extraterritorial investigations covering Afghanistan at the Washington Field Office, where she managed overseas kidnapping cases and the extradition of four high-value terrorism subjects.

AlphaOmegaEnergy is the world’s #1 Breakthrough CleanEnergy Tech Startup w’ more than 4,472 all new technologies. #1 FuelCell 2800km E-Plane

#HunterBiden's Pimp who was securing LeftWing Whores for him to use as spitting in the face of the#MeToo movement with his laptops full of child porn & his sex acts with underage girls, has just been released from Prison. Disgrace

AlphaOmegaEnergy is the world’s #1 Breakthrough CleanEnergy Tech Startup w’ more than 4,472 all new technologies. #1 FuelCell 2800km E-Plane

leading you to be far more susceptible to ALL illnesses & diseases.

This Evil Creature is the same one who signed the "Covid Digital ID" into force for the EU. God has issued some#justice on him. He is now burning in hell for his#CrimesAgainstHumanity. 🔥 🔥 🔥

AlphaOmegaEnergy is the world’s #1 Breakthrough CleanEnergy Tech Startup w’ more than 4,472 all new technologies. #1 FuelCell 2800km E-Plane

💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 KABOOOOM!!!
Unclassified Documents from#DARPA state:
"Sars-Cov2 is an American created Wuhan Lab engineered virus created by Daszak &#fauci's#ecohealth Alliance under DARPA PRE-EMPT program in 2018 & "Kept secret for 2 years since"
+ Sars MADE to be released to then make a Vaccine

WOW! The lid has come off the bottle folks! RE-POST & CALL EVERYONE!!

AlphaOmegaEnergy is the world’s #1 Breakthrough CleanEnergy Tech Startup w’ more than 4,472 all new technologies. #1 FuelCell 2800km E-Plane

#ItsOkayToBeWhite is being Criminalized by the Radical LeftWIng Nazi Satanic Extremist Fasicts & Anti-White Racist Bigots & WhiteOPhobes.
- OF COURSE it's "Okay to be white"
- All white people other than LeftWing Nazi Fascist Intolerant Bigots & WhiteOPhobes & Depopulationists, have every right to be PROUD of being white, especially if fighting against the corrupt communist soulless anti-human Agenda of the LeftWing Nazi Psychopaths who are such terrible people that they hate their own skin tan & hate others who are just fine with it.

AlphaOmegaEnergy is the world’s #1 Breakthrough CleanEnergy Tech Startup w’ more than 4,472 all new technologies. #1 FuelCell 2800km E-Plane

#AlphaOmegaEnergy Created our 4,472nd Breakthrough CleanEnergy Technology, all new MegaGen, solving once again, all of humanity's energy, water & emissions issues. Now if only the Globalists cared about ppl, instead of depopulating &enslaving them under scientific totalitarianism.

AlphaOmegaEnergy is the world’s #1 Breakthrough CleanEnergy Tech Startup w’ more than 4,472 all new technologies. #1 FuelCell 2800km E-Plane

#HunterBiden's business partner in Khazakhstan, Intelligence Chief, Arrested for Treason, in another blow to the#Biden International Crime Syndicate as the Kazakhstan people burned the injection centers & corrupt politicians houses to the ground & arrested them.


AlphaOmegaEnergy is the world’s #1 Breakthrough CleanEnergy Tech Startup w’ more than 4,472 all new technologies. #1 FuelCell 2800km E-Plane

Most#rigged#Election in history.
There MUST be a FULL FORENSIC CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION & anyone blocking such in ANY RESPECT must be BANNED from politics & Government employment & ANY Corporate Board or Directorships or business licenses as they are a CRIMINAL Fraudster & Support The Worst#CrimesAgainstHumanity

AlphaOmegaEnergy is the world’s #1 Breakthrough CleanEnergy Tech Startup w’ more than 4,472 all new technologies. #1 FuelCell 2800km E-Plane

Child-Sex Criminal#JustinTrudeau is outed on famous#1 People’s Indy Network Infowars for his 2.2 Million Dollar Gag Order on the family of the Child he had Sex with after USA#MainstreamMedia exposed it YEARS ago & RCMP did NOTHING. Justin made the father sign penalties of up to more than 6 MILLION DOLLARS if he says anything.#BuffaloChronicle published an article on it, to this day NE VER Denied by Traitorous Dictator Nazi Fascist Trudeau.

AlphaOmegaEnergy is the world’s #1 Breakthrough CleanEnergy Tech Startup w’ more than 4,472 all new technologies. #1 FuelCell 2800km E-Plane

HOLY SH*T 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥
Guess what's in the PCR tube transport medium?
Blended up Bovine Fetal Cell Juice
Guess what's in that juice?
Bovine Rotavirus "Vaccine" in other words, the DNA of "The CoronaVirus"
Guess what's put on the Isolation cell culture?
Blended up Bovine Fetal Cell Juice.
Guess what's in that juice?
Bovine Rotavirus "Vaccine" in other words, the DNA of "The CoronaVirus"
Guess what animal is riddled with Coronaviruses?
Guess what else is in the PCR Transport medium in the tubes?
AmphoteracinB a deadly nerve toxin which causes cytotoxic effects to cells & results in excretion of exosomes in the cells in the snot on the swabs. It also causes damage to the cell cultures if they are then "sequenced" as the cells are again secreting these exosomes due to their destruction from this poison.

AlphaOmegaEnergy is the world’s #1 Breakthrough CleanEnergy Tech Startup w’ more than 4,472 all new technologies. #1 FuelCell 2800km E-Plane

DemonicRats Always LIE Lying face that VoterID isn't possible & is Racist. 1.3 BILLION population India requires it and it's never been a problem for them. It's not a problem for Cigarettes, Drivers licenses, Beer, Clubs, Over18 Materials, College Admissions, Bank Accounts, ONLY VOTING.

AlphaOmegaEnergy is the world’s #1 Breakthrough CleanEnergy Tech Startup w’ more than 4,472 all new technologies. #1 FuelCell 2800km E-Plane

To Understand Big Criminal Pharma's Corrupt History & Why this is happening, you have to watch this 2 minute video & re-post it on all your#socialmedia so others can too!

- When it was discovered that Oil could be used to make pharmaceuticals, John D Rockefeller ordered his army of propagandists to invert reality in#ScientificTotalitarianism accordingly.
- Medicines that were used for thousands of years were suddenly classified as "Alternative" while the new, patentable, addictive, & dangerous drugs, were declared as "The Gold Standard"
- Rockefeller then bought a pharmaceutical company that manufactured chemicals of war for Adolf Hitler
- Rockefeller lobbied congress to declare natural healing modalities as "Unscientific quackery"
- He then took control of the AMA & offering huge grants to Universities only if they taught his approved manipulated curriculums.#ScientificTotalitarianism
- Any mention of the healing powers of plants, herbs and diet were removed from teaching a

AlphaOmegaEnergy is the world’s #1 Breakthrough CleanEnergy Tech Startup w’ more than 4,472 all new technologies. #1 FuelCell 2800km E-Plane

Toxic Energy companies in Near Record Profits & income in major setback to#climatechange as the Corrupt, Criminal#joebiden &#JustinTrudeau administrations have eliminated mass segments of Oil production in Clean Business America & propped up World Terror Finance by pushing all the production to OPEC as skyrocketing prices on the poor across the world, pushing Billions into poverty.

AlphaOmegaEnergy is the world’s #1 Breakthrough CleanEnergy Tech Startup w’ more than 4,472 all new technologies. #1 FuelCell 2800km E-Plane

THIS, is YOUR#christian Rock CHARGE for the day for you fellow#christians


"With God All Things Are Possible":#Jesus.

"Unstoppable" By Red.

Red - Unstoppable (Official Music Video) - YouTube

“Unstoppable" is available on the album GONE, now everywhere you consume music: iTunes:

AlphaOmegaEnergy is the world’s #1 Breakthrough CleanEnergy Tech Startup w’ more than 4,472 all new technologies. #1 FuelCell 2800km E-Plane

MASSIVE 5G Phone Fraud going viral as phones in Canada, Korea & many places across#America &#Europe being sold as 5G charging you $200-$500 more per phone but they don't even have the chipsets inside to be capable for it. CRIME

You can see this in teardown videos like this one. And this CRIMINAL FRAUD has been going on for years and has STOLEN BILLIONS from the people & should be Criminally charged to the fullest extent of the law@realdonaldtrump

Some#ConspiracyTheorists are claiming that only phones in countries targeted for Genocide & Ethnic cleansing are slated to get the actual chipsets. While I have no evidence for this, the record of the#ConspiracyTheorists is now 100x better than MainstreamMedia FAKENEWS propagandist whores bought by these same corporations to sell their products & cover up their crimes.

No Chips? Call the cops!! Class Action Lawsuits should be done! BILLIONS STOLEN IN LIES!!

Samsung S20 Ultra 5G Teardown! - Is the 5G even real?! - YouTube

Some of Samsungs 5G phones dont include the 5G mmWave antennas!? Seems strange to me! The cool Teadown Skins are BACK!: Snag one ...

AlphaOmegaEnergy is the world’s #1 Breakthrough CleanEnergy Tech Startup w’ more than 4,472 all new technologies. #1 FuelCell 2800km E-Plane

Schools shut and cars abandoned as heavy snow brings Chaos to the#UK as#globalcooling has set in & signs of Irreversible chain reactions of#GlobalFreezing in 7th year record snows are making parts of the world unlivable in face of#COP26 Depopulation

AlphaOmegaEnergy is the world’s #1 Breakthrough CleanEnergy Tech Startup w’ more than 4,472 all new technologies. #1 FuelCell 2800km E-Plane

#AlphaOmegaEnergy Created our 4,471st Breakthrough CleanEnergy Technology, an all new Energy Efficient De-salination technology, better than all others on the market today, our 12th#1 in the world, all#1-12 are in our portfolio.


Support AlphaOmegaEnergy NOW (chat)

Twitter: AOECOINnews
Twitter Corporate: AOEBreakthrough

Gettr: AOENews
Gettr Corporate: AlphaOmegaEnergy


Gab VC: AlphaVCcoms

AlphaOmegaEnergy is the world’s #1 Breakthrough CleanEnergy Tech Startup w’ more than 4,472 all new technologies. #1 FuelCell 2800km E-Plane


Important to keep that positive juice flowing, check out this super funky hit from#CitizenWay called Fight My Fight For Me & rock out your day!

I'm going to share one smokin' hot Christian Song a day for the next couple weeks. Let's get that energy up! ⚡ 🔥


AlphaOmegaEnergy is the world’s #1 Breakthrough CleanEnergy Tech Startup w’ more than 4,472 all new technologies. #1 FuelCell 2800km E-Plane

OMG this is a Gift. :D
This is a call to all#Patriots &#truth Seekers to listen to this.

AlphaOmegaEnergy is the world’s #1 Breakthrough CleanEnergy Tech Startup w’ more than 4,472 all new technologies. #1 FuelCell 2800km E-Plane


#Canadian#doctor who reported on & went to the#media with the FACT that stillbirths are up 5800% in his hospital since the Sterilization & reproductive organ destroying injections began, has been arrested & locked in a psychiatric ward in Criminal false emprisonment. Criminal charges should immediately be filed by all citizens against all who have taken part in this crime including the police officers.

AlphaOmegaEnergy is the world’s #1 Breakthrough CleanEnergy Tech Startup w’ more than 4,472 all new technologies. #1 FuelCell 2800km E-Plane

#AlphaOmegaEnergy has joined Anonup as expanding our reach on Freedomtech platforms as we get off BigCriminalNaziTech platforms

AlphaOmegaEnergy is the world’s #1 Breakthrough CleanEnergy Tech Startup w’ more than 4,472 all new technologies. #1 FuelCell 2800km E-Plane

#AlphaOmegaEnergy is the world's#1 Breakthrough CleanEnergy Tech Startup in history w' 4,472 New Technologies to date including#1 FuelCell w' 600x the power density of solar, 2,800 KM All Electric Plane,#1 Nuclear Replacement w' more density & no meltdown risk seeking investor