Donald Trump Fa..
@DonaldtrumpfansBiden is not the president elected, I never accept Biden as president. If you accept Biden, you ain't American

My Balcony Gard..
@mybalconygardenEach day it is necessary that we feed our bodies with food to nourish ourselves. It is also important that we feed the m...

Mike Jeffrey
@Mikejeffrey2468And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. 1 ...

Johnny Edwards
@JEdwardsMinistries411Reformed in Theology, Partial preterist in Eschatology, Presuppositionalist in Apologetic, Systematic in my Hermeneutic&...

Worldwide Liber..
@WorldwideLiberty"Educate and inform the whole mass of the people; they are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liber...

Patriot Jim
@Patriot_JimFierce defender of Truth, Justice and the American Way. Husband, father and proud Pop-pop. Patriotic to the core. WWG1WG...

David Parra
@AKKPATRIQTTerapeuta de Metodo Akkinson, padre de un niño increíble. Trump y Q me cambiaron la vida. Me dieron la verdad. Soldado d...

Trump Is My Pre..
@TrumpMyPresidentWe are the news now. 🇺🇸 Here for truth. Waiting for Justice. Trump is President. WWG1WGA.

Angels Here -Z
@SirHuckleberryNana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou

Naughty Elf
@FollowQUKTruthseeker Single mum Lighworker Spiritual Creative Digital Soldier Loving Peaceful Nature lover Uniting with othes glo...

Mac 691
@Mac691#WWG1WGA #QAnon #DigitalSoldiers #JFKjrLives #KGA #SaveTheKids #Maga #TheGreatAwakening anonup.com/@Mac691

Minna Margareet..
@AZ_FinnI follow people who are heading INTO battle, not those running from it and trying to protect their reputation.

Tim Larlee
@timlarMedicinal mushrooms seller and wholesaler. Naturopathy. Wild medicinal plants. Intuitive, wwg1wga

Truth Seeker
@JacksRule🇺🇸MAGA🇺🇸WWG1WGA🇺🇸Proud Patriot 🇺🇸⚔️Digital Soldier⚔️ 🦅🕊God Wins 🙏🏻🎚Posts not endorsements- research. 1/2021 Twitter Purg...

Patriot Girl
@PatriotGirl50Previously on Twitter @PeaceBabyPeace. #Patriot #wwg1wga #MAGA #Trump #SaveTheChildren

Chris David Bel..
@Only1CdnPatriot“The Light Shines In The Darkness, And The Darkness Has Not Overcome It” - John 1:5

Who to follow
Vincent Ke..
@VincentKennedy -
Ghost Ezra
@GhostEzra -
Jimbo 66 ✓..
@Jimbo0566 -
Santa Surf..
@SantaSurfing -
Doq Hollid..
@doqholliday -
Kim Runner
@kimrunner - Show more