Two Green Bears
2 years ago

Two Green Bears

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“What would you like to have been?” “Everything you hate.” —Citizen Kane

“What would you like to have been?” “Everything you hate.” —Citizen Kane

“You know what I learned today? I’m not like you.” -Training Day

“What would you like to have been?” “Everything you hate.” —Citizen Kane

1984 For some, certain things are impossible to believe. The rest of us make it necessary to hide those things any way it has to be done.

“What would you like to have been?” “Everything you hate.” —Citizen Kane

“What would you like to have been?” “Everything you hate.” —Citizen Kane

1982 You don’t know how powerful silence is…because of what it hides.

“What would you like to have been?” “Everything you hate.” —Citizen Kane

1980 In ‘Gunsmoke’, the gun is seen as a provocation. An injured Dillon left town when it was the only way to protect them until he got better. Women learn to be aggressive to protect themselves; men learn that their physical strength, in and of itself, is considered a provocation. Men are expected to know when someone feels threatened by their mere presence, and they’re required to outsmart those that try to slander them. They’re made use of for their physical abilities, but those abilities have been politicized to the point of suffocating the souls of men themselves. And this is dismissed as not being a problem, because of the limitless power, even the immortality, attributed to men.

“What would you like to have been?” “Everything you hate.” —Citizen Kane

“What would you like to have been?” “Everything you hate.” —Citizen Kane

1979 I may be unusually clever. One person will not get far. In the fervor that sweeps the crowd, I’m isolated once again. I don’t know what’s really going on. I could believe the first person offering an answer, and be one more zealot led by the nose to his own unremarkable demolition. A sucker of history. I’m a little tired, and a little too paranoid. If I discover the truth, the “white hats” may feel it’s not the time. The order to eliminate me could well be issued by one of my all-time heroes.

“What would you like to have been?” “Everything you hate.” —Citizen Kane

1978 All empires will see a “violent revolution” coming. All through history, revolts were crushed before they began in many different ways, one being inferior education. The establishment is naturally going to justify censoring people with the same garbage about “protecting the community”. To those who don’t really think about it, that may provide false, momentary reassurance that this is about anything but control. Controlling what gets said, and allowing the harm, and the violence, and anything else that facilitates that control.

“What would you like to have been?” “Everything you hate.” —Citizen Kane

“What would you like to have been?” “Everything you hate.” —Citizen Kane

1970 The Devil plays rough. I thought more people knew that. People have gone from “we’re all in this together” to “you’re blocked” in minutes after hearing what I had to say. They talk the talk but don’t walk the walk. You go after this guy once, you signed on for whatever happens.

“What would you like to have been?” “Everything you hate.” —Citizen Kane

It is naturally wise to view everything with a measure of skepticism. All I can tell you is that these insights were discreetly offered to a small group of reporters at a hotel in New York in 1961 by a verifiable source claiming to have intimate knowledge of global politics.

“What would you like to have been?” “Everything you hate.” —Citizen Kane

1968 I never in my life had a reason to expect justice. I was told from the beginning that even trying was futile. But the monsters are out there. They don’t quit. Neither do I. I may have help. I may not have even one ally. But make no mistake: I’m in this.

“What would you like to have been?” “Everything you hate.” —Citizen Kane

“What would you like to have been?” “Everything you hate.” —Citizen Kane

contemporary lit

“What would you like to have been?” “Everything you hate.” —Citizen Kane

1962 My choice is my voice.

“What would you like to have been?” “Everything you hate.” —Citizen Kane

santa fe 4 (audio)

“What would you like to have been?” “Everything you hate.” —Citizen Kane

grandfather clock (audio)

“What would you like to have been?” “Everything you hate.” —Citizen Kane

santa fe 3 (audio)

“What would you like to have been?” “Everything you hate.” —Citizen Kane

1336 "Truth is just a form of confusion man has not refined, Shelter from the storm of intrusion by the public's mind, We study scams and fibs, when we're in prams and cribs, where Uncle Sams and Libs, Trade accusations, We wait our turn to speak, and holler 'burn you freak', My main concern last week, manipulations, You gotta call someone a jerk, and say it's all the Devil's work, You gotta crawl, lip-synch and twerk, and throw the ball at each store clerk, If you stick to the data, not exciting enough, "You're just sick, you don't matta", Wait till they call your bluff, Don't neglect to make a show of it, Don't suspect what you don't know of it, Disconnect, and curse the glow of it, Find a friend, and start making out."

“What would you like to have been?” “Everything you hate.” —Citizen Kane

1840 "Now the party didn't win till I walked out, And they probably didn't know that I was ever here, But when they check out with what they hit y'all up for, they wait for next time to ask twice as much more, We came for what I thought was the business of doin' sh--, The scandal breaks out, they bag the China and bail quick, Every cycle last hope of making a dent, And then your hair turn white learnin' how it was spent, And I'm just about ready to call this bluff, Like if TV for the brain-dead wasn't enough, I just gave 'em what I had, then be coppin' they attitude, I went from feelin' loneliness to needin' the solitude, Thelma lift a pound with a style and politeness, They have to bring a posse, coke be takin' the express, If everyone is sexy, they don't need to be truthful, My shepherd go to Funkytown he pullin' the churce wool, Make yourself home, get the virtual signal gear, We could be

“What would you like to have been?” “Everything you hate.” —Citizen Kane

1960 I attacked authority throughout my life. The risk, especially when you’re young, is that of taking a sudden flow of adrenaline for lasting power. Many times the conflict is a distraction serving authority only. When they say “Can you do better?”, you’ll have to come up with an answer. Your qualification, if you have it, will be met with an equal power, or one greater. There is also a danger, whatever the truth is, of underestimating the enemy’s will to survive.

“What would you like to have been?” “Everything you hate.” —Citizen Kane

interesting & song of nature 42 (audio)

“What would you like to have been?” “Everything you hate.” —Citizen Kane

song of nature 142 (by art as well as by nature) [audio]