Texas Cowgal
13 hours ago

Texas Cowgal

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Christian! Believer of Jesus Christ! Wife, Mom, rancher, love our vets, our military, and conservative police officers! NO FLIRTING DM’s!

Christian! Believer of Jesus Christ! Wife, Mom, rancher, love our vets, our military, and conservative police officers! NO FLIRTING DM’s!

Genuine Regeneration by Paul Washer - YouTube

#paulwasher #paulwashersermon #audiosermon #sermon #grace #gospel TAGS:Paul Washer sermons, Expository preaching with Paul Washer, Biblical teachings by Paul...

Christian! Believer of Jesus Christ! Wife, Mom, rancher, love our vets, our military, and conservative police officers! NO FLIRTING DM’s!

Put down your phone. Turn off your computer. Turn off your Wi-Fi. Turn off your LED lights. Go for a walk outside with God and talk to Him. Take in His creation. Feel His love. Ask for forgiveness. Become a new being. Change. Stop being bombarded with the chaos of this world. Your sanity, your peace and your life requires a relationship with God. This world will not spare a thing. Everything on earth dies. Everything. Nothing and no one is exempt. Are you ready? Are you saved? The devil comes to steal, kill and destroy. Allow God to heal, vindicate you from evil and give you a new heart and an eternal life with Him! Your decision will either bring you into the loving arms of God or take you into the pits of hell. The road to destruction is wide and many will not hear God’s call. Many will flat out keep rejecting Him no matter how much evil they experience or see. Don’t belong to the world. Learn His word. Heed His Invitation. Stay in His law. Your reward is not here. It’s in Him! 🕊

Christian! Believer of Jesus Christ! Wife, Mom, rancher, love our vets, our military, and conservative police officers! NO FLIRTING DM’s!

We are all condemned to death. Don’t you get it?! We are ALL sinners and we are ALL going to die! No one escapes death! So where are you going after you die? God’s wrath is coming soon. He has allowed the devil to rule and allowed us to have our way. It will be too late for many people. They will never allow God to rule their life. They will never enter His kingdom. To be blunt, you are running on borrowed time. https://www.gotquestions.org/the-wages-of-sin-is-death.html

Christian! Believer of Jesus Christ! Wife, Mom, rancher, love our vets, our military, and conservative police officers! NO FLIRTING DM’s!

I pray you are all ready! 🕊🙏 https://youtu.be/SHueIwKbMww?si=cds-lG2F1BMKMDLL

Scared to Death - YouTube

For details about this sermon and for related resources, click here: https://www.gty.org/library/sermons-library/81-172To receive John MacArthur’s monthly le...

Christian! Believer of Jesus Christ! Wife, Mom, rancher, love our vets, our military, and conservative police officers! NO FLIRTING DM’s!

The Prayer Heard 'Round the World - YouTube

Pastor Jack dared to pray a Biblically-based prayer in Congress which enraged many atheists and liberals across the nation, calling for the Speaker of the Ho...


Christian! Believer of Jesus Christ! Wife, Mom, rancher, love our vets, our military, and conservative police officers! NO FLIRTING DM’s!

Catholicism is a “religion”. If you were raised Catholic, were you mislead? Catholicism is not Christianity. Not even close. Please listen before you comment and please wake up before it’s too late! https://youtu.be/Hf-tW0M7QXQ?si=Hf2qxJl2Rf4USeDf

John MacArthur : The pope and Catholicism - YouTube

“And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent.”‭‭Colossians‬ ‭1‬:‭...

Christian! Believer of Jesus Christ! Wife, Mom, rancher, love our vets, our military, and conservative police officers! NO FLIRTING DM’s!

Act 2:17-21
17 “ ‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.
18 Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy.
19 I will show wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below, blood and fire and billows of smoke.
20 The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord.
21 And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’

God loving MAGA man. Peace Please spread the truth anyway any where you can God bless

Christian! Believer of Jesus Christ! Wife, Mom, rancher, love our vets, our military, and conservative police officers! NO FLIRTING DM’s!

No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
This man locked us down! Closed our churches! Kept big businesses open! Never started trying to close the border until election time! Froze us to death! Allowed Chy-na to buy tons of Texas land and some near an Air Force base! Friends with the Bushes! There are plenty more reasons!! PLEASE PRESIDENT TRUMP NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😡😡😡😡😡😡

Christian! Believer of Jesus Christ! Wife, Mom, rancher, love our vets, our military, and conservative police officers! NO FLIRTING DM’s!

No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
This man locked us down! Closed our churches! Kept big businesses open! Never started trying to close the border until election time! Froze us to death! Allowed Chy-na to buy tons of Texas land and some near an Air Force base! Friends with the Bushes! There are plenty more reasons!! PLEASE PRESIDENT TRUMP NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😡😡😡😡😡😡

Christian! Believer of Jesus Christ! Wife, Mom, rancher, love our vets, our military, and conservative police officers! NO FLIRTING DM’s!

“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. But you be watchful in all things, “endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.” ~2 Timothy 3-5 🕊

Christian! Believer of Jesus Christ! Wife, Mom, rancher, love our vets, our military, and conservative police officers! NO FLIRTING DM’s!

26 in Congress lost their minds hearing the name of Jesus!! 🤣https://www.youtube.com/live/cAZ6Tw7DgtU?si=5cHOST6dhNoD9z4l

Christian! Believer of Jesus Christ! Wife, Mom, rancher, love our vets, our military, and conservative police officers! NO FLIRTING DM’s!

Drop or mail supplies, feed, hay, animal meds, firefighter needs, toiletries, etc. etc. for the people and animals in the Texas Panhandle fires.

Christian! Believer of Jesus Christ! Wife, Mom, rancher, love our vets, our military, and conservative police officers! NO FLIRTING DM’s!

In the Old Testament, if a teenager acted rebellious, or disobeyed their parents, they could be stoned to death. Guess what? Not one teenager was ever recorded as being stoned to death. Why? Because they knew better! Compare that to today’s world.

U.S. Navy Veteran. Investigative Researcher. Into The Fitness and Health Lifestyle. Lives in The North-East of The U.S.A.

Thurs 2/29/24

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.” Proverbs 3:5-8

Our Lord loves us. His ways are perfect, always in our best interest bringing joy, protection, and prosperity. Listen to his voice, learn his ways then follow them and you will be blessed. Amen. “Not to us, O Lord, but to You goes all Glory for Your unfailing love and faithfulness.” Psalm 115:1

Christian! Believer of Jesus Christ! Wife, Mom, rancher, love our vets, our military, and conservative police officers! NO FLIRTING DM’s!

My cousin died tonight with cancer. 😢 I tried so hard to talk to him about Jesus but he was a bitter atheist that said God didn’t exist and we are all just “worm dirt” in the end. He made fun of me and his sister, who also tried to reach him in our faith. He laughed in our faces and said we believed in fairy tales. This is a very sad death because I know he had to stand before our Almighty God tonight and before the Great White Throne of Judgement. My heart aches for him and I know that God doesn’t want even one to perish. The thought of what he will face for eternity is frightening. It’s too late for Jack, but it’s not too late for you. Please, please don’t reject God a minute longer! I’m praying that everyone reading this will be saved. 🕊 https://www.youtube.com/live/nt3Go-SSQoE?si=hHSux97SxEv16Mtw

Christian! Believer of Jesus Christ! Wife, Mom, rancher, love our vets, our military, and conservative police officers! NO FLIRTING DM’s!

@administrator Where is the button to accept people that want to follow my page? I cannot find one and the only instructions I can find are in a foreign language.

Christian! Believer of Jesus Christ! Wife, Mom, rancher, love our vets, our military, and conservative police officers! NO FLIRTING DM’s!

This is so awful! 😢 Now over 1 Million Acres and this is just one of the fires! Texans have lost homes, businesses, livestock and pets. I have not heard about the human casualties yet but I’m sure it will be told soon. Please keep praying! 🕊🙏

Christian! Believer of Jesus Christ! Wife, Mom, rancher, love our vets, our military, and conservative police officers! NO FLIRTING DM’s!

Texas Smokehouse fire now at 500,000 acres burned. 😢

Christian! Believer of Jesus Christ! Wife, Mom, rancher, love our vets, our military, and conservative police officers! NO FLIRTING DM’s!


Christian! Believer of Jesus Christ! Wife, Mom, rancher, love our vets, our military, and conservative police officers! NO FLIRTING DM’s!

The people in Canadian, Tx. were told to shelter in place and the biggest fire was skirting them to the north. Then the winds shifted south and the last I heard they had no way to evacuate. Please pray for all! 🙏

Christian! Believer of Jesus Christ! Wife, Mom, rancher, love our vets, our military, and conservative police officers! NO FLIRTING DM’s!

Christian! Believer of Jesus Christ! Wife, Mom, rancher, love our vets, our military, and conservative police officers! NO FLIRTING DM’s!

Christian! Believer of Jesus Christ! Wife, Mom, rancher, love our vets, our military, and conservative police officers! NO FLIRTING DM’s!

Calling on Christians to pray! Over 200,000 acres have burned! The city of Canadian,Tx. is surrounded by fire and all escape routes and outlets are blocked! There are many people with no way out at this point! Please pray for them and all the livestock, wildlife and animals! The wind is atrocious! 😢🙏

Christian! Believer of Jesus Christ! Wife, Mom, rancher, love our vets, our military, and conservative police officers! NO FLIRTING DM’s!

Calling on Christians to pray! Over 200,000 acres have burned! The city of Canadian,Tx. is surrounded by fire and all escape routes and outlets are blocked! There are many people with no way out at this point! Please pray for them and all the livestock, wildlife and animals! The wind is atrocious! 😢🙏

Christian! Believer of Jesus Christ! Wife, Mom, rancher, love our vets, our military, and conservative police officers! NO FLIRTING DM’s!

Pay no attention to distractions. God used many men that had an unsavory history. We ALL have an unsavory history! As a Christian, you have one job. Tell others about Jesus and what they need to do to live in God’s kingdom forever! Will you hear “well done my faithful servant” or “depart from Me, I never knew you”? https://www.gotquestions.org/you-will-know-them-by-their-fruit.html

Jesus is my Savior. Love my husband & America. Dog lover. RN. Constitutional conservative. Love Trump. Followed by Flynn on Twitter.

In response Rabbit Roulette to her Publication

Excellent post!! 😇 So many do not understand that Jesus fullfilled the requirements of the Law. That He then ushered in the New Covenant of grace. Most "religious" leaders keep their flock with one foot in the law and one in grace. Jesus sought relationship, not a religion. When we accept, trust and believe in Jesus as our Lord and Savior we become spiritually alive. We were born spiritually dead. We are born again, made into a new creation. The old is gone! We then become temples of the Holy Spirit, adopted into God's family as sons and daughters, which makes us heirs to an inheritance of eternal life. We are forgiven, because forgiveness is necessary for salvation. Without total forgiveness, the next time we sin we would lose our salvation. We are also made righteous which is made right before God clean, pure, Holy, set apart. 😇

Christian! Believer of Jesus Christ! Wife, Mom, rancher, love our vets, our military, and conservative police officers! NO FLIRTING DM’s!

Can you hear God? Does He guide you and direct you? Does He give you clarity and peace or does the thought of giving up your idols and things of this world make you cringe and run towards man? It’s a spiritual battle and the road is narrow and full of deceit and snares from the enemy! Satan wants your soul! Turn to God and have faith!
The world and everything that is man-made can be so tempting until you repent and allow what God has written on your heart to rule your life. God is not a crutch but “religion” is. God hates “religion”, false prophets and hypocrites. Please don’t wind up in hell for eternity because you were too stubborn to listen to His call! God is real! He is the Alpha and the Omega! You won’t be giving up anything by serving God. You will be gaining your life! 🕊

Christian! Believer of Jesus Christ! Wife, Mom, rancher, love our vets, our military, and conservative police officers! NO FLIRTING DM’s!

At the 14.02 mark on this video…..👀 What is flying toward the Antarctica?!! 😳 https://www.youtube.com/live/TmA2dhQpBgw?si=tyXVcr3rLqGlLwcN