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8 hours ago


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U.S. Navy Veteran. Investigative Researcher. Into The Fitness and Health Lifestyle. Lives in The North-East of The U.S.A.

U.S. Navy Veteran. Investigative Researcher. Into The Fitness and Health Lifestyle. Lives in The North-East of The U.S.A.

Trump's campaign ad should be:

These are not the democrats like those we grew up with.

These are funded by George Soros to destroy America by bringing in Unvetted migrants we know nothing about.

Voting for Biden is not voting for the democrats we used to vote for, it's voting for a Foreign interest group hell bent on Collapsing America.

Also, Biden rehearsed that setup against Trump with CNN. It was very well rehearsed and executed. Most people would miss this setup.

Vivek was right advising Trump not to do it.

Let's hope our conservative citizen journalists brings this to light. It would further destroy Biden's polling numbers.

U.S. Navy Veteran. Investigative Researcher. Into The Fitness and Health Lifestyle. Lives in The North-East of The U.S.A.

🚨 PANIC: DNC NIGHTMARE Night! Biden Debate COLLAPSE, Total Disaster, Trump Victorious! 2024 Is Over

U.S. Navy Veteran. Investigative Researcher. Into The Fitness and Health Lifestyle. Lives in The North-East of The U.S.A.

I heard that Donald Trump will be reinstated as the legitimate president of the USA on Mon. 1 July.

Judge Clarence Thomas will read both sentences where it was established that from the vote count, Trump won the vote by 80% in 46 out of 50 states. We are close to a change of an era. Praying please God let that be true.

Another source says it is going to be this week.

They are adamant, but some say right after Thurs. 4 July.

Many of you cannot wait any longer as you are hanging on by a thread. Let us all pray to God that we will have the green light to move forward with our lives.

U.S. Navy Veteran. Investigative Researcher. Into The Fitness and Health Lifestyle. Lives in The North-East of The U.S.A.

Situation Update Report / WED26JUN24

On Tues. 25 June 2024 Julian Assange was set free – and so was his Intel released on a Trafficking Ring run out of the White House.

Also on Tues. a British MP released Intel of a Cabal Dirty Bomb False Flag that was to be blamed on Russia, while around the same time [redacted] was arrested by the Israeli police force and charged as a War Criminal for instigating a False Flag attack on Israeli soil.

Though the most shocking Event that happened on Tues. was the release of the Global Currency Reset of all nations of the World to gold/asset-backed currencies valued at a 1:1 with each other – which will automatically and effectively shut down the Cabal’s international criminal operations because dirty monies can’t function on the new Star Link Satellite Global Financial System.

Mon. 24 June 2024: The Federal Reserve has been hacked and over 33 TB of data is now missing!

U.S. Navy Veteran. Investigative Researcher. Into The Fitness and Health Lifestyle. Lives in The North-East of The U.S.A.

It's time to hang some misfits in state welfare dept.'s. >>> ALL TRAITORS need to be dealt with swiftly and severely !!!

U.S. Navy Veteran. Investigative Researcher. Into The Fitness and Health Lifestyle. Lives in The North-East of The U.S.A.

U.S. Navy Veteran. Investigative Researcher. Into The Fitness and Health Lifestyle. Lives in The North-East of The U.S.A.

U.S. Navy Veteran. Investigative Researcher. Into The Fitness and Health Lifestyle. Lives in The North-East of The U.S.A.

The Three Stooges Slapcut - 1934-1936 - YouTube

U.S. Navy Veteran. Investigative Researcher. Into The Fitness and Health Lifestyle. Lives in The North-East of The U.S.A.


U.S. Navy Veteran. Investigative Researcher. Into The Fitness and Health Lifestyle. Lives in The North-East of The U.S.A.



U.S. Navy Veteran. Investigative Researcher. Into The Fitness and Health Lifestyle. Lives in The North-East of The U.S.A.

Breaking! Biden Death Certificate Confirmed! Joseph Robinette Biden 2018 Gitmo Execution Shocking Viral Video!

U.S. Navy Veteran. Investigative Researcher. Into The Fitness and Health Lifestyle. Lives in The North-East of The U.S.A.

This would explain why the supreme court building in D.C. is surrounded by guard vences >>> Trump is coming back SOONER than people realize !!!

U.S. Navy Veteran. Investigative Researcher. Into The Fitness and Health Lifestyle. Lives in The North-East of The U.S.A.


Behind the scenes >>>

The military operations leaks hit MSM via Rolling Stone that Trump military operations will take down the cartels and drug industry (real reasons for human trafficking and CIA controlled cartel ops over at Mexico).

Massive OPERATIONS to hit Mexico that WILL lead into a revolution against the CIA / Mexican controlled government.

Internet (Obama) KILLSWITCH coming and the government gives warning and memo to top ELITES that blackout grid is coming.


U.S. Navy Veteran. Investigative Researcher. Into The Fitness and Health Lifestyle. Lives in The North-East of The U.S.A.

the complete video >>>

God in Ancient China

God in Ancient China - YouTube

Chinese characters and how they relate to the Book of Genesis

U.S. Navy Veteran. Investigative Researcher. Into The Fitness and Health Lifestyle. Lives in The North-East of The U.S.A.

Ancient Chinese Records Shows Jesus is God 4524 Before Christ! New Discovery

U.S. Navy Veteran. Investigative Researcher. Into The Fitness and Health Lifestyle. Lives in The North-East of The U.S.A.

U.S. Navy Veteran. Investigative Researcher. Into The Fitness and Health Lifestyle. Lives in The North-East of The U.S.A.

U.S. Navy Veteran. Investigative Researcher. Into The Fitness and Health Lifestyle. Lives in The North-East of The U.S.A.

Putin arrives in North Korea for first time in 24 years

Putin arrives in North Korea for first time in 24 years - YouTube

The two countries have formed an alliance as the Ukraine war drags on.For more Local News from Hawaii News Now: https:/www.hawaiinewsnow.comFor more YouTube ...

U.S. Navy Veteran. Investigative Researcher. Into The Fitness and Health Lifestyle. Lives in The North-East of The U.S.A.

Bo Polny- Financial Collapse, Scare Event And Then A Miracle Coming?

Bo Polny- Financial Collapse, Scare Event And Then A Miracle Coming? - YouTube

#financialnews #jesuschrist #russia out David Rodriguez RAW & UNCENSORED!http://www.ninoscorner.t...

U.S. Navy Veteran. Investigative Researcher. Into The Fitness and Health Lifestyle. Lives in The North-East of The U.S.A.

New fencing has been completed around the Supreme Court Building in Washington DC. They say it’s in preparation for a big announcement.

It is my opinion that announcement is the POTUS decision on either or both 2020 Election Fraud cases before the Court – one by the Brunson Brothers, the other by Sidney Powell – either of which could dissolve the Biden Administration and all of Congress – and bring in Martial Law until a new election could be held.

U.S. Navy Veteran. Investigative Researcher. Into The Fitness and Health Lifestyle. Lives in The North-East of The U.S.A.

BRICS Bombshell! Putin and China just DESTROYED the U.S. Dollar with this move | Redacted

U.S. Navy Veteran. Investigative Researcher. Into The Fitness and Health Lifestyle. Lives in The North-East of The U.S.A.

This Ancient LETTER of CONSTANTINE has the Most Accurate Depiction of JESUS Christ

This Ancient LETTER of CONSTANTINE has the Most Accurate Depiction of JESUS Christ - YouTube

The letter from Roman Emperor Constantine the Great recounts a profound and divine experience that significantly impacted the course of history and the sprea...

U.S. Navy Veteran. Investigative Researcher. Into The Fitness and Health Lifestyle. Lives in The North-East of The U.S.A.

The real military intelligence data drop and Russian military positioning : ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️

We have come to the SCARE NECESSARY > EVENT Q had warned us about and also QTSR !

But MSM is not reporting the real Russian military positions.

U.S. Navy Veteran. Investigative Researcher. Into The Fitness and Health Lifestyle. Lives in The North-East of The U.S.A.


To some the truth is an inconvenience. They would rather avoid it through denial and subversion.

Truth is like life: Take it in entirely or not at all. Without truth mankind would fall into degradation and misery.

Some people would not speak the truth but would rather deny it because of their friends whom they’d rather not offend.

More and more this world has become a great façade. Real and lasting truth comes from God.

In life, the truth first, foremost and forever. This must be your goal >>> your life-long endeavor.

If the truth for you has become inconvenient maybe you’ve become too lax and much too lenient.

U.S. Navy Veteran. Investigative Researcher. Into The Fitness and Health Lifestyle. Lives in The North-East of The U.S.A.

DISSIPATION OF THE DARKNESS / History of the Origin of Masonry

Roman Catholicism vs. Judeo-Masonry

" must labor and diligently take care that the faith may be preserved amidst this great conspiracy of impious men
who attempt to tear it down and destroy it." (Mirari Vos, Encyclical of Pope Gregory XVI, August 15, 1832 A.D.)

"...the roots of modern apostasy lay in scientific atheism, dialectical materialism, rationalism, illuminism, laicism, and Freemasonry; which is the mother of them all..." (Pope Pius XII, May 23, 1958 A.D.)

U.S. Navy Veteran. Investigative Researcher. Into The Fitness and Health Lifestyle. Lives in The North-East of The U.S.A.

U.S. Navy Veteran. Investigative Researcher. Into The Fitness and Health Lifestyle. Lives in The North-East of The U.S.A.

U.S. Navy Veteran. Investigative Researcher. Into The Fitness and Health Lifestyle. Lives in The North-East of The U.S.A.

Psalms 23:1-5

[1] On the first day of the week, a psalm for David. The earth is the Lord's and the fulness thereof: the world, and all they that dwell therein. [2] For he hath founded it upon the seas; and hath prepared it upon the rivers. [3] Who shall ascend into the mountain of the Lord: or who shall stand in his holy place? [4] The innocent in hands, and clean of heart, who hath not taken his soul in vain, nor sworn deceitfully to his neighbor. [5] He shall receive a blessing from the Lord, and mercy from God his Savior.

U.S. Navy Veteran. Investigative Researcher. Into The Fitness and Health Lifestyle. Lives in The North-East of The U.S.A.

U.S. Navy Veteran. Investigative Researcher. Into The Fitness and Health Lifestyle. Lives in The North-East of The U.S.A.

Friday 6/14/24

“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Ephesians 4:29-32