Drew Breezy
@DrewBreezy18Notice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/v2.anonup.com/themes/default/apps/profile/content.phtml on line 273
I am PROUD to be an AMERICAN!

If Joe isnt the president then why is making so many changes? People loost their jobs bc of Joe. So my question is how lOng does this go on? If Joe isnt our president and lets say hes arrested or removed from office then wont it be hard for the person who steps in (Trump or someone else) to undo all the bad that is happening now? What is the estimate time line do you all see before we find out whats gling on behind the scenes?

Well is it me or is today another day where booms were supposed to happen but nothing did? how do we trust a plan when the plan hasnt worked out at all. Eryine will say "keep faith trust the plan they wont tell you whag the plan is bc thats goving up ops misinformation is part of war.... blah blah blah. i think its more grabbing at straws at this point.

Any Booms today? Or just another false flag? There seems to be a pattern.

its close to game time. puppy bowl is going on. anything happening? any big booms? anything??? today was supposed to be another big day. i guess ill have to trust the plan. still a lot of the day left.

ok so today is another big day. lots of poats saying big things could happen today. what happens when today comes and goes and nothing happened? is that part of the plan and we move on to another day tthat big things will happen on? how long do we repaet this cycle before we realize nothibg will happen?

Does anyone know what happened to all the sworn affidavits? We’re all those people arrested for lying under oath? I mean there were hundreds of people who wrote statements. What happened?If they were telling the truth then why isnt there an investigation into their claims?

Were there fireworks on Inauguration Day? This is a yes or no question. This should be easy to prove either way.

More and more people are starting to question the "plan". Its not that we arent patriots. we arent trolls. we arent for Joe. We just want the truth. We want to see action. We want to believe in the plan. But actions speak louder than words. Theres been no action. Ive been blocked for asking for verified sources. If youre going to post then make sure its real and true. Dont just post and share BS. Thats will be the downfall bc people will stop believing and trusting.

its OK to challenge others. Its ok to question others. Its ok to go against the crowd sometimes. Silencing and Blocking others doesnt make you stronger. Am i wrong? Please share this if you agree! AMERICANS NEED THE TRUTH AND NOTING BUT THE TRUTH!

search inaugeration fireworks and you find many posts about it. yet you have a post here saying they never happened. so did they happen or not? if they did this is why i question people. bc they post fake sruff just to fuel the fire.

Dont you dare question the anons. wanting to see some action and the "plan" play out that they hing at makes you a troll. Even if after months of hearing things will happen soon over and over yet nothing has happened you better not question them. Im blocked now Bc i spoke my mind. not against their tgoughts per say but against the lack of action supporting thier claims.

I question the plan bc lets be honest there hasnt been any action and now im being blocked amd called a troll bc i question things. i thought thats what pissed everyone off on twitter. but if you question the plan then you get shut down here.

I find People like to just share things they hear and read from others without actually looking into seeing if its true or not before reposting it. Its those same people who get offended when you question them. What good does this do for the cause? its ok to question eachother. Its called checks and balances.

Here is my honest opinion for the day. All the anons keep saying is "We are the news now". In all honesty I think the same amount if nit more fake propaganda is shared by anons as by the MSM. I still havent gained much trust in any anons yet. They speak the words but we never see the action. The only response to i get when nothing halpens is "trust the plan" and "keep the faith". how about do share anything unless its verified to be true. that seems logical. thats what we ask for from the MSM.

Besides saying God is in control does anyone have any reliable and verified proof that the "plan" is still in play? Myself and im sure many others who wont admit it need to see some action. We need to see actual proof how Biden and DC panic and are "fooked". Not trying to be a downer. just speaking the truth.

So many said Biden wont be sworn in. Many said there will be arrests. Many said there is Panic in DC. So far none of that is true. Here is my prediction. They will say "be patient. Trust the Plan a little longer. Trump wanted Biden in office to exicute his plan" Blah BlahBlah. The plan has NOT played out. We need to see action.

Just an honest assesment here. I doubt there will be any arrests. The military is in DC for protection even though there may be more than needed. the prison buses are for unruly citizens. Biden and the Lefts will keep gaining more and more power. I hope im wrong but all ive heard are words. Its time to see ACTION! I feel the right just gave up. Rudy Jenn Sidney didnt prove anything and are now silent. I wish i felt different but its important to keep an open mind and accept this plan just isnt playing out.

People can post all the accustions they want. They can post all the "proof" they have. But lets be honest, actions speak louder than words. We need to see action or many will loose faith. Its crunch time.

@doqholliday Keeps me in this damn rabbit hole and I cant get out! Im keeping the faith and hoping things work out! MAGA! 4 more years!!!

Im not trying to be negative. Its important to keep an open mind and ask questions if you dont understand. Telling one to trust the plan is one thing. we need to see the plan play out to keep us believing.

We as American Citizens deserve to hear the truth. No more conspiracy theories or trust the plan. How about someone step up and tell us the truth and back it up with some action. No more leading us on with catchy words like Panic and Fooked. no more silly numbers. Just tell us the truth!!!