Since what Bidden is doing to sabotage President Trump, think of the following scenarios:
1. Evidence will soon be coming out 2020 was stolen (we know for 4 years it was stolen), making Biden an illegitimate president and everything he did will be nullified.
2. State of emergency is called and the US will shortly be under military rule, the constitution is halted for a short time and all Biden's policies will be nullified. (Not likely, but you never know)
3. We've been under military rule since 11.3 2020 and Biden is just a puppet playing a role and nothing he did is real. Meaning every EO and law he signed has as much value as if I would have signed them.
Now it could be one of the above or a combination of all three... For one reason or the other I have my eye fixed on number 3...

God loving MAGA man. Peace Please spread the truth anyway any where you can God bless
Also certified elections