TRUMPTARDS are the new LIBTARDS!! They are both brain dead and useless and a waste of space and resources!! All retarded clowns!!!
Shove that terrorist American government and that fake messiah of yours up your ass old man!! You scumbags wrecked the world assholes!!

Aw, I thought you suicided yourself. Good to see you’re still around, screaming in your mother’s basement. What did your Daddy Trump do this time? Increase the cost of your hormone pills?

TRUMPTARDS are the new LIBTARDS!! They are both brain dead and useless and a waste of space and resources!! All retarded clowns!!!
And fuck your terrorist government you worthless shithead!!

You’re so hateful and full of nasty vitriol.
Maybe you should dilate and pray for Jesus.

TRUMPTARDS are the new LIBTARDS!! They are both brain dead and useless and a waste of space and resources!! All retarded clowns!!!
Fuck you and Fuck your terrorist clown!! You are all idiots!!

TRUMPTARDS are the new LIBTARDS!! They are both brain dead and useless and a waste of space and resources!! All retarded clowns!!!
You are not dead yet???????????? You are 100!!

Don’t be jealous you’ll never live that long.
The data doesn’t look good for your type.
Libtards and Trumptards are the CANCER!!!